
Tree Planting at Pinkers Pond

If you are out and about this Saturday and see a group of people at Pinker’s Pond, they are in fact volunteers making a positive difference this winter by planting 200 native trees to help enhance the biodiversity of the area. The trees have been supplied by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust and will include wild cherry, goat willow, grey willow, rowan, oak, field maples and dog rose. Many of the ash trees surrounding the pond are already suffering from ash die-back so the willows will provide interest at the waters edge when the ash are no longer there and the rest will bring additional colour and enrich biodiversity onsite.  The trees are being planted to a plan agreed with Council to maintain the views from Pinker’s Pond

Lower Wensleydale Biodiversity Action Group would like to thank everyone for their continued support for this project and are grateful to the volunteers that have stepped forward to help this season. If you have any questions or are interested in helping to look after the area please email