Reporting It

Reporting It

Below are some useful links to pages where you can report issues to the relevant authority, whether it us the Town, District or County Councils. In many cases there is no need to report via the Town Council whose office is only open 3 days a week; you are likely to obtain a quicker response by reporting problems directly which will also ensure that you will be kept updated on progress with resolution. If your issue cannot be reported below please contact the Town Council at

As well as the direct links to the appropriate authority, you can also report, view, or discuss local problems (like graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs, or street lighting) at

Report Highways Issues

If you spot any road issues including potholes, road marking / road sign issues then these should be reported to the North Yorkshire County Council Highways Team. You can report all of these issues using the NYCC Report it online form

Report damaged Cobbles in Middleham

The Town Council owns and maintains much of the cobbled areas in Middleham.  Please report and missing cobbles or slip and trip hazards on the cobbles to the Town Council at

Report damaged pavements or kerbs

If you have seen any damage to footways, pavements and kerbs you can report this damage to North Yorkshire County Council Highways Team by using the NYCC Report it form.

Report footpath problems around Middleham

Oversight of the footpath network is the responsibility of NYCC which has a dedicated footpaths officer.  Problems with rights of way can be reported via the form accessible NYCC site link.

Problems with stiles and gates can be reported to the Town Council as occasionally Councillors know who owns the field and can make a direct contact to resolve the problem at

Report a flooding or drainage issue

If you have noticed a blocked drain or gully has flooded the public highway, please report it as soon as possible to North Yorkshire County Council.

Find out here how to report different types of road flooding.

Report a street lighting problem

Lights in Middleham are operated by either Richmondshire District Council or North Yorkshire County Council.  A listing is attached showing whose light it is:  Street Lighting List.  A map of RDC’s lights is here:  Middleham Lights 2022

Reporting lights to Richmondshire In some situations the light may be considered dangerous (for example exposed wires or missing door; hanging lantern; loose or leaning column; or if the problem was caused by a road traffic accident) in which case this is an emergency and should be reported to RDC straightaway  on 01748 829100 to report an emergency fault during normal business hours or outside of those hours you can ring North Yorkshire Police on 101.

Reporting Lights to North Yorkshire

Report dog fouling

If you would like to report any dog fouling issues or problems within the Middleham area then please report it to the Dog warden & Environmental Team at Richmondshire District Council using their online dog fouling reporting form.

Report an overflowing litter or dog bin

If you have noticed that a bin in Middleham is in need of emptying please report it to Richmondshire District Council Street Scene Team

Report that dog waste bag stations need filling

There are three dog ware bag dispensers.  If you have noticed that these bag stations need filling please let the Town Council know at

Report a missed bin

Time to time bin collections get missed if you have had an issue with your Bin or Recycling Collection then please report it to RDC’s Recycling Team .

Report issues with Public Toilets

Middleham’s public toilets are located on in the ginnel leading off the main market square between The Richard III Hotel and Racing Welfare’s offices.   They are operated by Richmondshire District Council who regularly clean them.  If you notice an issue with the toilets please  report it to RDC’s public toilet team

Report fly-tipping

Please report it to RDC’s fly tipping team

Report anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour is a broad term used to describe the day-to-day crime, nuisance or disorder that can make a person’s life a misery. Incidents are investigated by the Safer Richmondshire team which co-ordinates agencies who work together to tackle these issues, meaning that responsibility is shared between a number of organisations, such as the police, council and social landlords.

If you are experiencing issues such as noisy and abusive neighbours; domestic violence; racial harassment or nuisance youths, use this form to report it to RDC’s Antisocial Behaviour Team

Parking Issues

Scarborough Borough Council provides the enforcing team to manage parking issues in North Yorkshire. Should the residents of the town experience parking problems we have a contact number 01723 232323 Monday – Friday 08:30 – 5:00 and out of hours 01723 383640 to report illegally parked vehicles or the police 101 number for vehicles obstructing.