
COVERHAM LANE, PINKERS POND TO MIDDLEHAM – FULL ROAD CLOSURE STARTING 23 November – to be carried out in 2 stages and differing times

An extract from of NYCC Highways letter (which also includes a map) is pasted below.  The Letter can be accessed here Diversion 27.08.19.  Details of the diversions in place are not yet available.


This letter is to inform you that Lane Rental Services on behalf of North Yorkshire County Council, will be undertaking carriageway patching and resurfacing works at the above location.

The works are currently programmed to commence on Wednesday 23rd November 2022.  The first phase of works will be located between Pinkers Pond and Middleham gallops and will be carried out under a full road closure between the hours of 07:30 – 17:00 for a period of seven weekdays.  The second phase of works between Middleham Gallops and A6108 Market Place will commence on Wednesday 30th November between the hours of 13:00 and 20:00 for a period of five working days. A plan showing the extent of the works in each phase is enclosed for your information.

Advance warning signage advising of the works will be installed on site shortly.  Whilst the works are in progress, a fully signed diversion will be in place. On-site personnel will assist in managing access to properties and businesses within the closure.  Please be advised there may be extended periods when access will not be possible due to the nature of the works and physical constraints of the site.  Pedestrian access will not be maintained.

Please note, this work is part of an extensive programme and therefore, some adjustment to this start date or the duration of the works may be necessary should unforeseen circumstances such as significant weather events or emergencies on the highway network arise.